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Excel For Mac Go To End Of Table

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Excel For Mac Go To End Of Table

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This goes to the bottom of the sheet, then essentially does Ctrl up arrow to get the last row that has something in it.. An alternative if the formula is in the first cell of a column: • Select the entire column by clicking the column header or selecting any cell in the column and pressing CTRL SPACE • Fill down by pressing CTRL D.. Worksheets('Sheet1') endRow = ws Range('A' & Rows Count) End(xlUp) row i = endRow While i >= 1 'Working up the sheet doing whatever i = i - 1 Wend End Sub. Click

excel table

Public Sub testing() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim endRow As Integer Dim i As Integer Set ws = ThisWorkbook.. Then starts from there and steps backwards through the rows until row 1 Nb you don't have to set i to endRow, I just did in case you wanted to use endRow for something else.. If the formula already exists in a cell you can fill it down as follows: Select the cell containing the formula and press CTRL SHIFT DOWN to select the rest of the column ( CTRL SHIFT END to select up to the last row where there is data) Fill down by pressing CTRL D Use CTRL UP to return up On Mac, use CMD instead of CTRL.. Regardless, here I have finding the end row of your data (based on column A, change as needed).. Develop Excel gives you a unique opportunity to meet and learn from the leading international developers Because it has to work on both Mac and Windows Excel I cannot use any Windows API calls. HERE

excel table formula

You might want to provide an idea of what you have tried as well as how you want to find the starting row.. So using End(xlUp) starting from the first row after the end of the table returns Row 25 even.

excel table function

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